Admin Vs. User Permissions

Here is a table that outlines the permissions of account level roles at the account level.

Account Level User Roles

Admins can change the role of a particular user by going to Settings > My Staff > Edit (pencil icon) > Scroll to and expand "User Roles"

Admin Permissions

Admins can apply granular permissions to their users. You may control the permissions at two levels.

  • Module: Toggle the module off to completely restrict access to the module.

  • Granular: Using checkboxes, you can set the permissions at a granular level.

User Permissions

  • User permissions are a great way to limit your client's access to certain features/areas.

  • Limiting user access to only assigned data in the subaccount will constrain their activity and capabilities. 

  • This implies that users will exclusively view or have access to the information they own.

  • Users can view the campaign and its content but won't have the ability to edit it.

  • Users will exclusively access their assigned opportunities in the pipeline.

  • Users will only observe their assigned calendar and appointed meetings.

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