Blogs Importer - Get All your Blog Posts

Get your Blog Post from any place inside Sites > Blogs, It is seamless migration of blog post importer if the sitemap is publicly exposed. Use the Blog importer to import all the blog post and its content, category and author.

Key Features:

1. Easy 3-Step Process - Add the blog URL and recent blog post URL to scan and preview the content.

Note: If the iframe is blocked, the blog post preview will not be displayed but functionality will work.

2. Mapping Breakdown - Map the blog title, category/tag, featured images, published date, content, and author from the preview.

3. Review and publish.


Before you begin, ensure the blog has a sitemap for posts.

For example, for a blog at, check for a sitemap.

How Does It Work

  1. Go to Sites > Blog

  2. Navigate to New Post > Import Blog Post

  3. Enter the blog URL and the last published blog post URL

Tip: After setup, you can revisit to see the "Import in Progress" status in the "Imported Content" section.

Map Content

Select the blog title, published date, author name, content, and category/tag

Note: If mapping is incorrect, you can manually select the CSS selector (reference: CSS Selectors).

Import Content

Once the scraping is complete (usually 10-20 minutes for 1,000 posts), you can import each post individually or in bulk. Note: All posts will initially be imported as drafts.

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