How to Use Custom Fields

Custom Field has been added to the system, it will appear in every contact detail page. You can use these Custom Fields to keep track of information that's specific to the business and also use them as reference points in other areas like emails, text messages, notes, and more.

All Fields: All the Custom Fields that existed in the account

Folders: All the Folders or Groups that exist.

Deleted Fields: All the Deleted fields that you can also restore.

Create A Custom Field

Click the "+Add Field" button at the top right of the screen and select the field type you'd like to use. 

The types of custom fields you can add for opportunities currently include:

  • Text Input

  • Single Line

  • Multi-Line

  • Text Box List

  • Values

  • Number

  • Phone

  • Monetary

  • Choosing Options

  • Dropdown (Single)

  • Dropdown (Multiple)

  • Radio Select

  • Checkbox

  • Date Picker

  • Signature

Please Note:

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Although typically available, the 'File Upload' field type is currently being worked on to be made available for opportunities. This will enable you to upload files directly to your custom fields in the opportunities section.

Next, add the required information into the input boxes, including "Name," "Group," and the "Option Name" and "Option Value" if you are adding a Custom Field type with multiple options..

Now you should see an option called 'Opportunities' and 'Contacts'. After filling in the necessary information, Choose between Opportunities or Contacts and hit Save.

Create Custom Folders: You can group your custom fields for opportunities into custom folders. This helps you categorize and organize your fields better. To do this, go to 'Folders' in the 'Custom Fields' section, create a new folder, give it a name, and select 'Opportunity' as its object.

Please Note:

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Default custom fields cannot be deleted but can be moved to a different group. 

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