Click-To-Call, Click-To-Text, and Click-To-Email Links & Buttons

Click-to-call buttons/links are a great way to reduce friction for the end use and increase conversion, especially on mobile devices, by allowing them to simply click or tap a button/link to launch a phone call.

Click-To-Call Buttons

Creating click-to-call buttons in the funnel builder is easy thanks to the actions dropdown.

Click-To-Text Buttons

You can also use the Button Actions dropdown to select the "Click To SMS", which will open up your phone or computer's default messaging service. 

Click-To-Call Text Links

To create a text link that people can click/tap to initiate a phone call:

  1. Add a Paragraph element.

  2. Type the phone number.

  1. Highlight the whole number and click the "Add A Link" icon, then type tel: followed by the + symbol then the country code (01 for US numbers) then the number.

  1. Click Save, so if the phone number you want to make a link for is 555-555-5555, you would enter tel:+015555555555 then hit enter.

Click-To-Email Links

To make a text link that people can click/tap to open up an email pre-addressed to a email address of your choosing: 

  1. Add a Paragraph element.

  2. Type the text you want to make a link.

  1. Highlight the text and click the "Add A Link" icon, then type mailto: followed by the email address.

  2. Click Save, so if the email we wanted people to be able to send to via this link were sender/receiver, we would enter mailto:"email address" then hit enter.

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