Contact Smart Lists

Smart Lists in Topline are innovative contact lists that enable users to customize and filter contacts based on specific conditions such as custom fields. These lists update in real-time as contact data changes and are enhanced with advanced conditions for effective campaign management​​.

Getting Started with Smart Lists in Topline

Smart Lists in Topline are innovative contact lists that enable users to customize and filter contacts based on specific conditions such as custom fields. These lists update in real-time as contact data changes and are enhanced with advanced conditions for effective campaign management​​.

What are Smart Lists?

Topline's Smart Lists offer a dynamic and customizable way to organize and manage contact lists. Unlike static lists, they update in real-time based on user-defined criteria, including behaviors, attributes, or custom fields, making them ideal for real-time, automated updates​​.

Usage Cases:

  • Marketing Campaign Segmentation: Create lists for targeted audience segments.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Manage customer relationships efficiently.

  • Sales Lead Prioritization: Prioritize leads based on specific attributes.

  • Product Development Feedback: Target customers for product feedback.

  • Customer Retention Strategies: Identify and target at-risk customers.

  • Event Planning: Use for targeted event invitations.

  • Customer Support: Identify customers needing additional support​​.

How to Use Smart Lists in Topline:

  1. Go to Contacts > Contacts/Smart Lists and select "More Filters."

  2. Choose filters and apply necessary details.

  3. Save filters as a Smart List.

  4. To access, adjust, or clone Smart Lists, navigate to the Contacts section, open the Smart List, and make the required changes​​.

Lead Nurturing Using Smart Lists:

  • Create lists for contacts not contacted in a specified period, such as 90 days​​.


  • Adding Contacts to Smart Lists: Contacts are automatically added if they meet the list's filter conditions.

  • Creating Smart Lists: Clear existing filters and add new ones to create a Smart List.

  • Managing Smart Lists: Access the "Manage Smart Lists" tab for options like duplicating, sharing, renaming, or deleting a Smart List.

  • Sharing Smart Lists: Smart Lists can be shared with others using the 'share' button in the Manage Smart Lists section​​.

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