How to Manage Your Availability

Managing your availability effectively is crucial for both personal time management and ensuring smooth interactions with clients or customers.

This process typically involves setting and updating your available hours, marking out times for meetings, and indicating your preferred meeting location platforms.

1. My Profile

Go to "Settings", found in the lower left corner tab and click "My Profile" and look for User Availability. This allows users to update their appointment details to customize their experience on the platform.

Click 'My Profile'

2. Meeting Location

Scroll down and look for "Meeting Locations". By clicking the dropdown list, users can choose a default meeting location for calendar invitations like Zoom, Google Meet, Full Address or Phone.

Choose Meeting Location

3. Time Zone

Click the dropdown menu to find and select the appropriate time zone that will fit your schedule.

Choose Timezone

4. Daily Availability

By checking the box, you can set the days when you are available for appointments.

Set Days Available

5. Time Availability

By clicking the time, you can adjust and modify user's preferences to set the time of day. You can also split the time when you click "+Add time".

Set Time Availability

6. Update Availability

Save the changes you've made by clicking "Update Availability".

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