Go to app.topline.com
1. Click "Settings"
Access the settings option on the left menu.
2. Click "Sites"
Select the "Sites" option from the menu.
3. Click "Chat Widget"
Choose the "Chat Widget" section on the upper menu.
4. Chat Bubble
In this option you can enable the chat bubble, add intro message, customize the avatar image, and more.
Chat Bubble
In this option you can enable the chat bubble to greet visitors.
Intro Message
Add the message you want to be displayed on the pop up.
Avatar Image
Click here to edit the avatar image.
Return Visitors
Activate this option if you want to enable custom greetings for users returning to the page.
5. Select Chat Type
Select the SMS or Email Chat to collect the visitor's information and respond to them through this channels.
Live Chat
Select this option to allow visitors to have real time conversations.
6. Widget Window
In this window you can customize the header, intro message, email field, CTA, and legal message.
Add the text you want to be display on the pop up header.
Intro Message
Write the message you want to be display for the visitors.
Add the CTA you want for your chat.
Legal Message
Add the legal information needed for the consent box.
Consent Checkbox
Activate this option to add a content checkbox for HIPPA.
Widget Color
Customize the widget color with an hex code.
Choose the language settings for the widget.
Agency Branding
Add the display name and URL.
7. Acknowledgement Settings
Here you can add customer support contact, acknowledgement greeting and message.
Customer Support Contact
Add the phone or email id in this field.
Acknowledgment Greeting
Insert the greeting for your visitors.
Acknowledgement Message
Insert the message information in this field.
8. Click "Save"
Once you have finished click on the save button.