Go to app.topline.com
1. Click "Contacts"
Navigate to the Contacts section on the left side menu.
2. Select Contacts
Click on the checkbox next to the contact name and select them.
3. Click "Send SMS"
Look for the Send SMS icon on the actions menu and click on it.
4. Send SMS
A pop up window will appear with the contacts selected.
5. Click "Ok, proceed"
Confirm the selected action by clicking on Ok, proceed.
6. Send SMS
Then you can visualize a text box and different options to send your SMS.
7. Message Textbox
Compose your SMS message in the textbox.
8. Click "Send all at once"
Choose this option to send all messages instantly.
9. Click "Send all at schedule time"
Select this option to send the SMS at a specific time.
10. Click "Send in drip mode"
Select this option to send SMS in drip mode.
11. Add "Action"
Enter a description for the action (to be shown in tracking report).
12. Click "Send SMS to"
Once you have added the SMS message, and the way you want to send it, click on Send SMS to.
13. Send SMS
A pop up window will appear informing that the SMS is being sent.
14. Click "Bulk Action Scheduled"
Select this option to check the progress of your sent SMS.
15. Visualize Status
In this view you can check the status of the SMS sent, and previous campaigns.