Manage Profile Settings - General Information

In this guide, you will learn how to manage the general information in your profile settings using Topline. Follow the instructions below to update your business name, logo, contact information, and other details.

Go to

1. Click "Settings"

Navigate to the settings page.

Click 'Settings'

2. Location ID

To obtain the current location ID of the company, you can simply click on the "copy" icon to copy the ID link.

Location ID

3. Click "Upload" or "Remove"

You can easily perform the following actions: Upload, change or remove a logo.

Click 'Upload' or 'Remove'

4. Input "Friendly Business Name"

Here, you can assign a unique username to each of your sub-accounts.

Input 'Friendly Business Name'

5. Input "Legal Business Name"

This is the section where you need to enter your exact legal business name as registered with the EIN. This information will be used for future compliance registration purposes.

Input 'Legal Business Name'

6. Input "Business Email"

Please enter your official business email address in the designated field.

Input 'Business Email'

7. Input "Business Phone"

Please enter your official business phone number in the designated field.

Input 'Business Phone'

8. Input "Branded Domain"

Please enter your branded domain in the designated field.

Input 'Branded Domain'

9. Input "Business Website"

Add your business website in the given field.

Input 'Business Website'

10. Input "Business Niche"

Please select from the list the appropriate business niche that corresponds to the industry your business operates in.

Input 'Business Niche'

11. API Key

This is your API Key, which can be used for Zapier and API integrations. You can copy the key by clicking on the "copy" icon. You also have the option to regenerate a new API key by clicking on the "Refresh" icon located beside the "copy" icon.


12. Click "Update Information"

Click on the option to update your information.

Click 'Update Information'

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