Why Google Calendar Integration Breaks and How to Fix It

It happens when Google revokes our access token due to you changing your Google password, or a user with a connected Google account modifying their Google password.

Go to "Settings" > "Profile" and scroll down to Edit Conflicts Calendar.

Unselect all of the Calendars in Check for Conflicts Calendar.

The Most Common Reasons when Google Integration Breaks

The Google connection expires due to password change and some other reasons you can find here. Due to the connection issue, the main (refresh) token expires. In general, in an ideal situation, the refresh token from google was never intended to expire unless these are the reasons.

The Google account connection has been revoked by Google due to a change in Google password or a change in the Google account a user is connected with. It is a simple matter to reintegrate the Google account connection and everything should be fine.

Not just appointments, all other events/data also stay, and won't be deleted unless the calendar is deleted, the re-integration never impacts any existing Topline data, except token refresh (oAuth).

We do not add the error banner for all the calendars, that will only be true of all the calendars with that google account synced to it and all should be fine when you reintegrate your google connection, Any of the synced appointments will not affect due to this.

How to Fix It for an Unassigned Calendar

If you will remove the linked calendar from the Topline calendar with the trash icon next to where you add a synced google calendar, it will remove all non-topline events, but in this case, you don’t need that, this is just for info. 

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