General Understanding Of Time Zones and How They Work in Topline OS (Disable Contact Time Zone)

Time zones are determined based on the Earth's longitudinal divisions. The planet is divided into 24 time zones, each one covering 15 degrees of longitude, corresponding to one hour of time difference from the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England. As you move east or west from this reference point, the local time increases or decreases accordingly.

Disable the Contact Time Zone

If disabled, appointment reminders will not work properly, and the contact will not be able to change them. Time zones (Location vs. Prospect).

There will be a time zone based on the prospect's time zone and a time zone based on the location's time zone in the appointment reminders.

As an Example:

East coast company books appointment with west coast company. Location (Westcoast) gets appointment at 2pm, while east gets appointment at 5pm.

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