Part 1: Published Status
Once your section has been completed and you are ready to share it with your members, you can use the published status. It will show this section to all the members of your course.
Part 2: Draft Status
By default, when you create a new category it will show with the Draft status. This is to prevent it from going live, while you are still editing the lessons. You can use this status until the section is ready to be shown or if you no longer want to show this category and the content inside it.
Part 3: Locked Status
This status is useful when you want your members to go first through a specific lesson or a whole category to enable a new category. You have the option to lock by a post/lesson, or by an entire category.
Once they have finished seeing all the content in the lesson or the category, the new category will be available for them.
Please Note: If you select a Category it will lock the entire category so keep this in mind if you are only locking one post in the same category as other posts. In other words, do not select a category for isolating a single post.
Part 4: Drip Status
The feature will allow you to enable content after X number of days have passed. The drip days will count based on when the member logged in first.
So, in the example below, section 2 has a 7-drip delay, and section 3 has a 14-drip delay. Meaning that after the member logs in for the first time, after 14 days, section 3 will be available.
If you had, to say as an example, in both sections 7 days, then, they will be shown after 7 days after the first time the member logged in.
Statuses on Subcategories
Apart from the statuses shown next to the category, there’s also the option to add a status next to a subcategory.
The only difference is that drip mode is not available for subcategories, and there’s also the Delete option (which is not status).