How To Create and Add a Chat Widget to Funnels and Websites

You can create a chat widget in to add to a funnel or website page, to increase your opportunities to communicate with clients. You can also use the Live Chat type widget to immediately respond to messages from your leads and clients and you can customize the chat widget according to your preferences, including placement, look, and feel, and bring more customizations for an enhanced user experience. Follow the steps below to create a widget and use it on a funnel or website page.

Step 1: How to Create a Chat Widget

  • Navigate to Sites > Chat Widget.

  • Click on New to Create a Chat Widget.

  • Select between SMS/Email Widget, Live Chat, or WhatsApp Chat.

Customization Options

  1. Customize the widget’s look and feel by selecting different styles, themes, avatar images, placements, and sizes.

  2. Add a Chat Launcher with or without a prompt.

  3. Set the Chat Icon and choose or customize the theme according to your brand.

  1. Add initial messages for first-time and return visitors.

  2. Adjust the widget's dimensions as needed.

  1. Configure static messages in the Chat Window for branding and compliance.

  1. Customize acknowledgement messages, greetings, and select the chat widget language.

Note: If you were already using the chat widget, it will appear in the Widget option with a light blue color. 

Step 2: Saving the Chat Widget Changes

  • Save your settings and integrate the widget into your website.

  • Click "Get Code" and copy the code that appears in the pop-up window.


Note: If you edited the language, you will have to update the code of the chat widget at relevant places after updating the languages. 

Step 3: How to Add the Chat Widget to a Funnel or Website

  • Navigate to Funnels or Websites.

  • Click on the Funnel or Website to which you want to add the chat widget.

  • Navigate to Settings.

  • Scroll down and choose the widget you want to add from the Chat widget dropdown.

  • Save the settings after choosing the chat widget.

  • You can preview the funnel or website, and refresh the page to view what the widget will look like for contacts visiting your funnel/website page.

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