Image AI in Funnels, Websites, and the Media Storage Tab

You can make use of the Content AI - Image integration in Funnels, Websites, and the Media Storage Tab. With this feature, you can easily generate high-quality, personalized images using AI technology to enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of your websites and funnels.

How to Use

Generate a personalized image directly in the site builder:

  • In the site builder, drag and drop an image element.

  • When choosing an image, a new pop up will take you to the media storage tab where you will have two options: “New upload” and “Create using AI”.

  • Select “Create Image using AI” and choose the style to edit or customize as per your needs.

  • The AI will generate a unique and personalized image, and the image will automatically get stored in the “Content AI” folder within the Media Library.

Generate a personalized image directly in the Media Storage Tab:

  • Go to the Media Storage Tab

  • Click on the “Create using AI” button and then choose a template to customize.

  • The AI will generate a unique and personalized image, and the image will automatically get stored in the “Content AI” folder within this Tab.

Please Note:

info icon
This feature is only available for the Image element.

Image Action within the Image feature element

The Image Action feature provides more functionality for images within the funnel and website builder, offering users versatile options for utilizing Image Actions across various elements and improving the overall user experience.

In addition to the existing options of 'open popup' and 'go to website URL,' the following actions can now be performed with Image Actions:

  • Hide Elements

  • Show Elements

  • Scroll to Element

  • Navigate to Step

  • Proceed to Next Step

  • Make a Call

  • Send an SMS

  • Email Address

These enhanced Image Actions are applicable to the following elements:

  • Image

  • Image Feature

  • Navigation Menu

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