How to Send a Regular Email Campaign

In this article, you will learn how to send a regular email campaign. This email can be sent right away or scheduled to many contacts at once. 

Part 1: Create the email

  • Head to Marketing > Emails > Campaigns - Create Campaign

  • Select the Email Template which you would like to create a Marketing Email Campaign

  • Design your email and content by adding all the necessary elements

  • You can save your email campaign and edit it if needed later until you are ready to send it

Part 2: Customize your email

  • Drag and drop your desired elements into the builder area.

  • For all the text-related elements, you can now use the inline editor

The inline editor can contribute to faster and higher-quality email creation with increased ease. The following key features are included:

  • Styling options with Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, and Paragraphs.

  • Support for approximately 18 fonts, with future plans to include custom fonts for Google.

  • A wide range of font sizes, ranging from 8px to 96px.

  • Text color and text highlight options, allowing users to select colors using hex codes.

  • Formatting options such as bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough.

  • Convenient hyperlinking for word redirection and text alignment.

  • Proper line spacing for paragraphs (1.5) and headings (1.25).

  • Bullet list capabilities, offering both ordered and unordered lists.

  • Text formatting that allows seamless copy and paste from external sources while removing any applied styling.

  • Custom values support to cater to specific needs.

  • Content AI leverages the power of artificial intelligence to assist in generating content faster.

  • Updated default padding settings: Top (12), Bottom (12), Left (24), and Right (24).

Part 3: Send Email

  • Click on “Send or Schedule”

  • Fill out the information in the To and From section

  • Add your subject line in the Subject section

  • Select the option to Send Now or Schedule (Depending on when you want to send the email, now or later)

    • If you choose the schedule option, you will need to add the date and time (please note that the email will be sent in your account's timezone)

Note: You can reschedule your campaign one hour before the execution date/time. To do this, click on the reschedule button and set the date/time of the campaign. It is suggested that you apply drip/batch schedule mode when sending large quantities of emails to avoid high bounced rates and thus avoid suspensions

You can also send the campaign via email as a test. This will help you to see how your email will be seen by your leads. 

Click on the 3 dots on the left side of the Save button and click on Test Email. Add the details and click on “Send Test Email”. 

Note: You can restore older versions by clicking on the 3 dots next to the Save button. It will show you the dropdown option to see the version history and restore the older version. 

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