Step 1: Create Your Email Signature
Navigate to Settings.
Go to “My Profile”
Scroll down to the email signature section and add your email signature.
If you have a pre-existing email signature, you can copy it from another email system and paste it into the email signature box. You may have to do some slight formatting.
Save to confirm your changes.
NOTE: If you have images that you'd like to include, such as a Company Logo, you can drag and drop the file straight into the editor. Ensure that you re-size the image accordingly and save it.
Step 2: Use Your Email Signature
To utilize your email signature in an email, you can either use the custom value {{user.email_signature}} at the end of an email or you can choose to include the email signature on all outgoing replies.
Note: You must be assigned to a contact for your signature to be used with the custom value above.