How To Set Up Assessments/Quizzes in a Membership Course
Learning assessments can help you determine the level of knowledge your learners gain throughout your course. Set up a membership assessment by following these steps.
Step 1: Choose a product
To create a member assessment, navigate to "Memberships" > "Products".
Select the "Product" you would like to add an assessment to.
Select "Add Assessments" from the + icon next to the title of the section.
Step 2: Create an Assessment
Select a title for your assessment and click "Save".
Specify whether you want your assessment to have a passing grade. If yes, specify how many people should score to pass. If you add a passing grade, you can display pass and fail confirmation messages to people who pass or fail your assessment.
You can then add questions to the assessment.
You have two options: Choose single choice (you can only pick one correct answer) or multiple choice (there may be multiple correct choices).
First, write down your question. Then select "Add choice" for each answer you think might be correct.
Add as many answers as you like and mark the correct option(s) in the "Correct Option" box under each answer.
In the event that no option is selected as the Correct Option, any answer given by the participant will be considered correct:
Keep adding questions until you've finished your assessment.
Click Save to save the changes you've made.
Step 3: Publish the assessment so that everyone can access it.
Go back to the product editing page after saving.
Select “Publish” from the drop-down menu of your Assessment when you're ready for the quiz to go live.
You can come back anytime to make adjustments or add new assessments for your membership site.
What Happens When Someone Submits An Assessment
If someone submits an assessment where a Passing Grade is required, it shows them their score immediately after completion of the assessment. It also indicates to them which of their answers were correct and which were not. However, it does not show them which option is correct.
It only shows them which option was the correct one if a Passing Grade is not specified for the assessment:
Any explanations added to the question about why that option is correct and/or other options are incorrect are shown there as well.
When someone accesses the quiz with the same course login credentials, it will show their latest score and offer them the option to retake it:
Clicking on the Review button for the last submission allows people to see what answers they gave the last time they attempted the quiz and which answer was correct and which was not:
Assessments Analytics:
You can view the individual performance of all the people who attempted your assessment by going to Memberships> Analytics:
And then click on "Assessments".
Data for all submissions for all your assessments show here:
You can filter the Analytics for Assessments from a specific product by choosing the dropdown next to Products on the top right:
You can also filter Assessment analytics by Results:
You can also click on the "Eye Icon" next to a submission to see what answers they submitted: