General Consideration for Privacy Policies
What personal data do you collect?
Where can you collect personal data?
Funnels & Websites
Web Chat
Order Forms
How to create your privacy policy using funnels or websites?
Build a dedicated page within a funnel / website page (typically done on a homepage where the URL can be easily referenced.
Search google for references -
Please consult your legal counsel for help in drafting and finalizing your privacy policy specific to your business and use case.
Where you can link to your privacy policy?
In funnels & websites
Text / Button
In forms
Text / link
T&C form element
In Surveys
Text / Link
Web Chat
Text / Link in widget description.
Order Forms
Text / Link on order page.
Enable Terms and Conditions in Advanced settings of Order Form and create a link there.
Text / Link on the page that the calendar is embedded on.
Use a custom form with a T&C element that includes the link (Note: you will need to link to a page on your website which contains your T&C as reference.)