Step 1: To Navigate to the Company feature, Open Contacts and Click on Company.
To Add a new company click “+ New Company”
Fill out all of the relevant fields and click “Add New Company”
Step 2: To add a Contact to a Company
Navigate to their Contact Card
On the Company Tab Select the Corresponding Company
Click ‘Apply’
Step 3: Navigate back to the Company tab, click on the Company, and you will see your Contacts there.
Step 4: Create and View Tasks at the Company Level
View all tasks of contacts associated with a company under the company details page.
Navigate to "Contacts" > "Company" > Select Company Name.
Click "+Add Task"
Here you are able to perform a few actions. You have the ability to sort tasks at column level for due date & status, to change the status of a task seamlessly and to Edit & delete tasks.
This is the very first step in helping users track activities at a company level, starting with tasks.
NOTE: You have the ability to map/associate multiple contacts with a company in one go from the company details page. Users can visit the company details page, go to the contacts tab & select add contacts option. Then they can select multiple contacts from the dropdown & map them with the company. On applying to all the contacts, they will get mapped with the company.
Step 5: If you’d like to use the “Business Name” field in contacts to create a company and associate contacts with it.
You can go to "Settings" > "Companies", and select the below setting.
If you’d like, you can retroactively do this as well from the pop-up after enabling.