Troubleshooting when Conversations are Glitching

For instance, someone might repeat the beginning of a sentence multiple times before completing their thought, creating a stutter-like effect. Another common glitch is when a person abruptly shifts topics mid-sentence without any logical transition. Additionally, there could be instances where responses are delayed or out of sync, making the conversation feel disjointed.

Here are Different Scenarios to Explain How Conversations Could Appear as Glitching

Why there are incoming calls from different people all being attributed to the same number (e.g. +266696687)?

When Calls from multiple contacts are merging into a single contact/conversation, it is because the leads are calling anonymously.

Why You are Seeing Replies in Separate Conversations

If you notice that there are multiple conversations going on about the same topic, it is because your number is added to a group conversation.

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